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dsc_2308.jpg (162105 bytes) The Brooklyn Bridge. dsc_2309.jpg (195255 bytes)
dsc_2322.jpg (107030 bytes) dsc_2323.jpg (172428 bytes) dsc_2326.jpg (168117 bytes) dsc_2328.jpg (216402 bytes)
dsc_2330.jpg (178429 bytes) dsc_2331.jpg (193543 bytes) dsc_2332.jpg (198274 bytes) The pictures on this row and the row above show the World Trade Center site.  It is interesting to note that it is not referred to as "Ground Zero" in NYC.
dsc_2334.jpg (102939 bytes) The picture at the left shows a nice and unusually inexpensive place where we had lunch.  They served some outstanding cherry pie. The building at the left was used in the 1984 film, Ghostbusters.  It is the quarters for Ladder 8 and has some memorabilia from the movie inside. dsc_2340.jpg (94222 bytes)

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